Red Light Therapy vs. Infrared light therapy vs. Vibrational Sound Therapy

What is photo biomodulation, or red light therapy? What does vibrational sound therapy do? How can infrared therapy help me? Finally, how can these three modalities work together to enhance my wellbeing? At AcuSportsTherapy Acupuncture, we combine these 3 therapies to enhance your healing experience. Let’s explore each of these therapies and why they’re excellent for your overall healing.

Red Light Therapy

In this section, we’ll review red light therapy and how it can help you.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Photo meaning light. Bio meaning life, and modulation as the exertion of a modifying or controlling influence over something. It dates back to 1400 BC when ancient tribes worshipped the sun and documented its therapeutic uses. In 1960 Endre Mester used red light lasers to cure tumors on hamsters, and in 1990 NASA began using it to maintain bone mass and treat chronic wounds.

What Does Light Therapy Do?

Light therapy is now FDA approved for anti-aging, hair loss reversal, acne, pain relief, wound healing, and fat loss. How ‘bout that!

The conditions best treated with blue light include acne and bacteria killing, injury recovery, skin sterilization and prevention of wounds. Yellow light is best for improving a cells oxygen utilization, rosacea, bruising, spider veins and helping to remove pigments.

Read below for more benefits of red light therapy.

Red Light Therapy Benefits

Finally, red light which is the most penetrating power helps in

  • Skin regeneration,
  • Increasing oxygen content in the blood,
  • Stimulates circulation
  • Improves acne and wound healing.
  • Eases pain
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system,
  • Improves recovery time from sports and injuries and
  • Reduces inflammation of the skin just below the skin surface and increases production of melatonin in the body.
  • It enhances energy and guess what,
  • Promotes collagen production and improves wrinkles by stimulating ATP production in cells and promoting growth of new capillaries.
  • It is also a great tool in anti-aging therapy!

Does Red Light Therapy Work?

YES! As mentioned above, light therapy is FDA approved for a number of beneficial treatments.

Red Light Therapy in Delray Beach, Florida

If you’re looking for red light therapy, look no further than AcuSportsTherapy Acupuncture in Delray Beach, Florida. We offer an intro 30 min infrared, sound/vibration and red light therapy session for $30 (Normally $60).

Infrared Light Therapy

In this section, we’ll review infrared light therapy and how it can help you.

What is Infrared Light Therapy?

What distinguishes red light from infrared is in the wavelength. The longer wave lengths as seen in near-infrared and infrared light spectrum range from 810 NM to 850+NM. On the visible light spectrum as in red, blue, and yellow light therapies the wavelength ranges from 423 NM (blue light) to 640NM (red light).

Infrared Light Therapy Benefits

Some of the benefits of infrared light therapy include

  • Deep tissue regeneration
  • Inflammation reduction
  • detoxifying and improving circulation in the body
  • Metabolism boosting
  • Sleep quality improvement. It is especially good for chronic pain
  • Healing time decreased
  • Immune system boosting and
  • Weight loss!

In TCM, light is thought to move qi or “life force” and enter the channels directly. Several studies have shown promising results using red/ NIR light on meridian/acupuncture points. Laser acupuncture uses red light therapy and is shown to have a similar effect as needling in bringing blood and qi to the area being treated. (Baxter, D et al. (2008) Clinical effectiveness of laser Acupuncture: A systematic review. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies. Volume 1 Issue 2 Dec 2008, pages 65-82)

On our own special infrared bio mat, gemstones coordinating with the chakras are infused to enhance the healing experience.

Some words of caution when using infrared therapy, do not drink alcohol when using red light therapy, and do not use red light or infrared lights if you are sick. They are a contraindication for cancer as well.  If you have high blood pressure or heart issues get clearance from a cardiologist or similar physician before using infrared light therapy especially.

Infrared Light Therapy in Delray Beach, Florida

If you’re looking for infrared light therapy, look no further than AcuSportsTherapy Acupuncture in Delray Beach, Florida. We offer a 30 min. intro session. Call us to ask about the details.

Vibrational Sound Therapy

Sound therapy dates back to the earliest of human existence. Used therapeutically sound can harness the vibration of sound to support and restore depleted energy. In this section, we’ll review vibrational sound therapy and how it can help you.

What is Vibrational Sound Therapy?

Vibro-acoustic therapy as it has come to be known as, can increase cellular movement contributing to improvement in the body.

Vibrational Sound Therapy Benefits

Sound therapy dates back to the earliest of human existence. Used therapeutically, sound can harness the vibration of sound to

  • Support and restore depleted energy.
  • Vibro-acoustic therapy as it has come to be known as, can increase cellular movement contributing to improvement in the body.
  • Sound is also used in modern medicine as a diagnostic tool such as with Ultrasound, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines.
  • It is also being used in the treatment of brain and behavioral disorders such as in PTSD.

Vibrational sound therapy can also

  • Influence our emotional body. We know that emotional imbalance is at the root of many physical diseases and by positively influencing our emotional body we can alleviate many physical symptoms. We can understand that if every sound is a vibration and if the vibration touches each and every cell of our body then we can know that we perceive sound not just with our ears but on a cellular level as well.

40 hz Sound Therapy or Something Else?

All music is composed in the ancient tonal scale of 432HZ.  This music focuses on the power of vibration and frequencies, which allows for an intensified shift and re-harmonizing of the mind, body and spirit.

Does Vibrational Sound Therapy Really Work?

YES! Healing at the speed of Sound authors Don Campbell and Alex Doman point out in their book that listening to upbeat music actually increases production of IgA which is an immunoglobulin that is used by our body to fight disease. They have found that sound vibration helps relieve migraine pain as well as diminish chronic sinus infections to name a few of its benefits. Receiving sound therapy can greatly reduce stress which is at the root of so many of our illnesses.

Resource: “What is Sound Therapy and How can it Benefit me?”, Good Vibrations Music Co. 2021.

Vibrational Sound Therapy in Delray Beach, Florida

If you’re looking for vibrational sound therapy, look no further than AcuSportsTherapy Acupuncture in Delray Beach, Florida. We offer a 30 min. Intro session. Call us to ask about the details

Get Red Light, Infrared, and Sound Therapy in Delray Beach, Florida

Here at AcuSportsTherapy Acupuncture, we have brought together the best of both worlds with a unique combination therapy of red light, infrared, and sound/vibrational therapy. You can experience a 30 min session that combined can enhance a healing experience like none other. Relax, rejuvenate, and heal with the combination therapies created here at AcuSportTherapy Acupuncture. Call today for an appointment and don’t let another day go by stressed or health challenged without giving it a try.

Other Treatments

  • Acupuncture Therapy for Faster Injury Recovery

    Research has shown that acupuncture can reduce healing time by as much as 50% and can promote the resolution of injuries in several ways. First and foremost, it can provide pain relief by stimulating the body’s own endorphin (feel good hormones) system.

  • Sports Injury Prevention

    The best time to get acupuncture is BEFORE an injury occurs. Monthly or weekly maintenance can make all the difference in the world when it comes to preventing an overuse injury. Athletes can maintain more consistent injury free training and performing time as well as maintaining a higher level in their performance.

  • Acupuncture Sports Performance Enhancement

    Sports medicine acupuncture has been shown to create higher endurance rates while keeping muscles in good condition, decreasing the number of injuries and recovery time, thereby leaving more overall injury free time and better performance in the athletes chosen path.

  • Sports Acupuncture Treatment

    Acupuncture has long been used for stress and anxiety reduction. By stimulating the natural feel good endorphin hormones in the body, cortisol levels have been known to drop. There is evidence that suggests that acupuncture may also work by activating your body’s natural opioid system, which may also help to reduce pain or induce sleep.