Sports Acupuncture Treatment in Delray Beach, Florida
Acupuncture provides powerful, effective, long-lasting, non-invasive care in the areas that your body needs it most. Whether treating an injury, preventive a future injury, or simply maintaining a higher level of overall performance and well-being, acupuncture does the job!
Acupuncture can regulate nerve conduction and microcirculation in the area of inflammation and thereby speed the healing process
Prevention of injuries can be accomplished by promoting neurological and cardiovascular balance which will support homeostasis
Acupuncture works at the source of the pain, thereby decreasing inflammation and helping to increase range of motion.
It also works to decrease pain by stimulation the body’s endorphin system, providing rapid and often long-lasting, relief. Patients usually feel relief after the first treatment!.
Post-race acupuncture treatments minimize muscle fatigue and pain, enhance energy, and facilitate rapid recovery. This is especially important for athletes who have many races within a short period of time.
Sports acupuncture can enhance performance by fine-tuning your strength, coordination, speed, efficiency, and power. It will maximize your athletic abilities by directing energy where you need it most.
Professional and serious amateur athletes use acupuncture to both manage and prevent injuries , relieve pain, and regulate the nervous system for optimal physiological function. World Health Organization (WHO) and other research bodies worldwide have consistently shown that sports acupuncture is a safe and effective tool by not only decreasing pain and treating injury, but in supporting optimal health as well.
Get Sports Acupuncture in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, Florida
AcuSportsTherapy is a top sports acupuncture Delray Beach clinic that helps people reach their highest potential for peak performance in life and sports. Holly Green, founder of AcuSportsTherapy, incorporates principles from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Sports Medicine to view the patient’s injury from a truly integrated perspective. Contact us to learn how we can help you recover faster, prevent recurring injury, perform at your highest level, and sleep better.
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