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    • NOVEMBER 14, 2018
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    What can Acupuncture Treat? Learn the Wonderful Benefits of Acupuncture

    What can Acupuncture Treat? Learn the Wonderful Benefits of Acupuncture

    What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a form of medicine dating back 2500-3000 years ago in China. One of the benefits of acupuncture for pain is to correct energetic imbalances in the body, otherwise referred to as “QI” or vital life force. It has been traditionally used to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease as well as

    • SEPTEMBER 13, 2018
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    9 Cupping Therapy Benefits for Athletes

    9 Cupping Therapy Benefits for Athletes

    One of the lesser known treatments in Chinese Medicine is Cupping. Although it dates back to over 3000 years ago, it was established as an official therapy in the 1950’s in China and the former Soviet Union. Some view cupping and the cupping therapy benefits associated with it as a stand-alone treatment, and specifically cupping

    • JULY 13, 2017
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    7 Common Injuries in Tennis (And How to Prevent and Treat Them)

    7 Common Injuries in Tennis (And How to Prevent and Treat Them)

    Tennis worldwide is one of the most popular racket sports played. Two-thirds of tennis injuries can be attributed to overuse. Especially for noncompetitive tennis players, improper technique in training is a common cause of overuse tennis injuries. Although most of these overuse injuries affect the shoulders, wrists and elbows; back strains, hamstring pulls, and stress

    • JUNE 30, 2016
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    4 Benefits of Sports Medicine Acupuncture

    4 Benefits of Sports Medicine Acupuncture

    The benefits of Sports Medicine Acupuncture are undeniable. It is a form of acupuncture especially useful for injury recovery, prevention, and performance enhancement. It takes both a western orthopedic view as well as traditional Chinese medicine approach to treating musculoskeletal problems, thereby bringing the best of both worlds to the table so that athletes can

    • JULY 13, 2015
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    Benefits of Sports Acupuncture for Golfers

    Benefits of Sports Acupuncture for Golfers

    According to research, the majority of injuries involving golfers are related to poor swing mechanics along with the repetitive nature of the game. (3) A majority of these injuries originate in the low back. Improper muscle balance and the resulting joint dysfunction create either too little or too much curve in the cervical and particular